There are many translations of the Dasbodha and they helped while preparing this version. The language in which Shree Samarth wrote the Dasbodha is very easy to understand yet is candid as was the life of Shree Samarth. I made a conscious effort towards the fact that I should not go away from what Shree Samarth wanted to tell. Shree Samarth dabbles with many aspects of philosophy while explaining any subject, I have given some notes in the text itself or at the bottom of it for better understanding of the Dasbodha and I feel nobody should have the courage to even slightly modify what Shree Samarth wants to tell. It is truer when it concerns the experiences of Shree Samarth. Many people have been responsible for the translation to come to the reader in the form of a book and I pray Shree Samarth to bless them.

- K.V. alias Baba Belsare.