The Bodily Tortures

1. Now, I will give narration on the signs of the three categories of tortures. The listeners should listen with appropriate concentration.
2. The one who has been scorched by these three types of tortures gets cooled in the company of saints, just as one who is thirsty gets satisfied when he gets what he longs for.
3. He is like the one who is hungry and gets food, the one who is thirsty and gets water, or one who is imprisoned and gets happiness when his bondage is broken.
4. He is like the one who reaches the shore when caught up in a huge flood, or the one who is awakened from a sorrowful dream.
5. He is like someone who is dying and is given life, or wards off calamity and becomes happy.
6. He is like one who is sick and gets the appropriate medicine and becomes joyful upon being cured.
7. Similarly, the one who has suffered with the family life, and has been burned by the three types of tortures, is the right one to receive instruction about the spiritual path.
8. Now I shall tell the listeners about the three types of tortures. There is support for this description from ancient Sanskrit statements.
* The torture that arises from the pleasures and pains of the body, senses and prana is called Bodily Torture (Adhyaatmika).
* The torture that arises from the pleasures and pains from the contact with the elemental world is called Worldly Torture (Adhibhautika).
* The torture that arises from virtuous and non-virtuous actions done by one in life that cause one to enjoy heaven or to suffer after death is called Cosmic Torture (Adhidaivika).
9. The first torture is the torture pertaining to one’s body, the second torture is from contact with the elemental world, and third torture comes from one’s own behavior. The listeners should understand these.
10. The listeners asked, "What is the torture from one’s body, and how does one recognize it? What are the characteristics of torture from the elemental world, and how can one understand what they are?
11. What is the torture of human behavior, and what is its nature? Please explain in detail in such a way that we can understand."
12. The speaker agreed, and began narrating in detail the torture pertaining to the physical body. Be alert and listen attentively
13. Understand that one becomes troubled by the pleasures and pains arising from the body, senses, and life force (prana), and this is what is called "Bodily Torture."
14. That which comes from the body, senses, and prana, and which causes unhappiness, is called bodily torture.
15. That suffering which comes from the body, and gives sorrow to living beings will now be explained.
16. Scabies, diseased scalp on the head, pimples, guinea worms, sores in the nails, tumors in arm pits, small pox and measles are afflictions in the body and are called bodily tortures.
17. When one gets boils in the armpits, boils at the hair roots, putrefied sores, black carbuncles, unbearable pain from diseases like piles, this is called bodily tortures.
18. Inflammation on the finger tips, swollen cheeks, unusual itching all over the body, swollen gums, and small particles filling the tooth cavities are bodily tortures.
19. Unusual boils coming up, swelling all over the body, and flatulence giving continuous pain and spasms are bodily tortures.
20. Ringworm, bone injuries, ear scabies, the stomach enlarged with dropsy, closure of the palate, and ear infections are bodily tortures.
21. Leprosy and wet leprosy, sickle shaped anemia, and great suffering from tuberculosis are bodily tortures.
22. Pain in the knee, diseases in the breasts of women, pains in the abdomen, pain in the hands and legs, and aching that leads to dizziness from time to time are bodily tortures.
23. Infections and rashes on the skin, unbearable stomach pains, and migraine headaches are bodily tortures.
24. Pain in the waist, in the neck, swollen throat and face, aching bones, and joint pain are all bodily tortures.
25. Indigestion based vomiting and diarrhea, jaundice, glandular tuberculosis, acne boils, and infections from dirty water are bodily tortures.
26. Dehydration, malaria, vertigo, loss of sight in the eyes, and relapsing fever with shivers are bodily tortures.
27. Feeling extremely cold, hot or thirsty, chronic hunger, too much sleep, chronic diarrhea, and excessive sexual hunger are bodily tortures.
28. Laziness, foolishness, lack of success, always being fearful in the mind, forgetfulness, and mental agitation day and night are bodily tortures.
29. Trouble with urination, gonorrhea, leprosy, incurable blood disease, and the terrible pain of kidney stones are bodily tortures.
30. Amoebic dysentery, burning sensation with urination, uneasiness associated with constipation, and illness that cannot be diagnosed are bodily tortures.
31. Hernia, bloody stool, intestinal worms, and passing undigested food in the stool are bodily tortures.
32. Bloated abdomen with stiffness in the belly, sprained muscles, sores causing obstruction of food in the throat, and boils that are extremely painful to a light touch are bodily tortures.
33. Hiccups, choking on food, vomiting with excessive gastric fluids, boils on the tongue, and a cold with cough are bodily tortures.
34. Asthmatic attack with breathlessness, infection of uvula, cough with phlegm, and fever with fits of anger are bodily tortures.
35. Eating food with toxins in it which causes internal disturbances, and the irritation of a boil in the throat are bodily tortures.
36. Diphtheria, mutilation of the tongue, foul smell from the mouth, teeth falling out, and infection of gums are bodily tortures.
37. Spleen disorder, nasal hemorrhage, scrofula, loss of an eye from a sudden accident, and cuts on one’s finger are bodily tortures.
38. Body pains and stiffness, teeth getting knocked out, and the lips and tongue getting bitten are bodily tortures.
39. Ear troubles, eye troubles, suffering from many various pains, being born blind, and impotency are bodily tortures.
40. White spots in the eyes, cataracts, glaucoma, worms in the eyes, night blindness, mental confusion, depression, and mental retardation are bodily tortures.
41. Deafness, dumbness, cleft-lip, being without hands, eccentricity, madness, being lame, or being hunchbacked, are bodily tortures.
42. Having wild eyes, twisted neck, crossed eyes, crooked eyes, being cat eyed, being a dwarf, having a defective walk, having six fingers, and having an ugly appearance are all bodily tortures.
43. Protruding teeth, front teeth missing, an excessively long nose, having no ears, being flat nosed, babbling meaninglessly, being very thin, and being very fat are bodily tortures.
44. Stammering speech, inarticulate speech, being weak, being diseased and ugly, having a scheming mind, jealousy, being gluttonous, and having a hot temper are bodily tortures.
45. Being habitually angry and then showing immediate repentance, being hateful, being lustful, being envious, being insulting, having a propensity towards doing mean deeds, being vicious, and having mental ailments are bodily tortures.
46. Difficulty in getting up, general stiffness, stiff neck, sprains, and swelling and pain in the leg joints are bodily tortures.
47. An undeveloped fetus, abortion, tumors in the breast, delirium with high fever, difficulties in the family, and the premature death of a family member are bodily tortures.
48. Infections in the nails, a boil in the nose, bad food, indigestion because of stale food, and getting tetanus lock-jaw are bodily tortures.
49. Loss of hair from the eyelashes, swelling of the eyebrows, infection in the eyes, and requiring glasses at an early age are bodily tortures.
50. Brown spots on the skin, moles, black fungus pustules on the skin, warts, mumps, outgrowths of flesh, and delusion in the mind are bodily tortures.
51. Having swelling all over, ganglions, foul smells and body odor, balding patches of hair loss, and saliva drooling from the mouth are bodily tortures.
52. Having many worries creating darkness under the eyes, miseries agonizing and burning in the mind as if seared in, and uneasiness without any disease are bodily tortures.
53. Calamities, disease, and weakness associated with old age are bodily tortures.
54. Many various diseases, pains, and injuries that cause living beings uneasiness and sorrow are called the "Bodily Tortures" (Adhyatmika).
55. Such is the suffering of bodily tortures which is the result of past deeds. There is no end to the description of it because it is like a limitless ocean of sorrow.
56. How much more should I say? The listeners should be able to understand by these examples. Naturally, I will speak next about about the tortures pertaining to the elemental world.