The Many Forms of Worship

1. There are many people in the world, and many types of worship and spiritual practice. According to their faith, people everywhere offer their devotion and sing the praises of God.
2. People worship their own God in various ways. The say prayers and sing in praise, and they say that their worship is of God that is without attributes.
3. The listener asked, "Please tell me your opinion. What is the significance of this kind of worship?" The speaker responded by saying "Listen now and I will tell you about the nature of worshipping God."
4. God without attributes is actually the Inner-Self that has many attributes. Understand that all of creation is but fraction of God without attributes. This must be experienced and seen for oneself.
5. Whatever is done to please all of the people reaches the one Inner-Self. However, people tend to only accept that which is presented as being authoritative and whatever is generally considered acceptable by society.
6. The listener said, "But all of that is only imagination. If we water a plant at the root, the water reaches every leaf of the plant. This is verified by direct experience in everyday life."
7. The speaker said, "If you pour a pot full of water on a plant, the water does not stay on the leaves, even for a moment. It runs off the leaves and quickly penetrates the ground down to the roots."
8. The listener then said, "This analogy is applicable for a plant, but how can a pot of water be poured on the top of a large tree? Please explain this to me."
9. The speaker said, "Even if the hands can’t reach there, the rainwater that falls onto the trees goes to the roots."
10. The speaker continued, "All cannot reach the root. Without virtue, how is it possible? The mind of the sage can understand this through the power of discrimination."
11. The simile of the water that falls down on a tree is just an easy example to show where the water goes. It is not difficult to understand what happens in this example. (All worship flows to the root.)
12. Upon having this doubt cleared, the mind becomes satisfied. Now, I will explain how That which is "without attributes" is said to be "with attributes."
13. When there is restlessness (motion), and modifications (change), this is what is called with attributes, or saguna. Otherwise, That which is without attributes, or nirguna, always remains as it is, beyond all attributes.
14. This thought must be understood through the investigation into Essence and non-essence with a firm resolve in the mind. Only then can it be seen that there is no trace of any attributes.
15. It is not difficult to discern that it is the king who sits on the throne who is the actual king, and not the servant named Raja (Raja means king). Simply by thinking this over, it is easy to understand that the servant named Raja is not the king.
16. At the time of the dissolution of the universe,59 That which remains is called nirguna, the attributeless. Everything else is in the field of Illusion.
17. There are many words and sounds that are heard in the midst of an army, in cities, at market places, and at various celebrations and festivities large and small. How do we distinguish one sound as being distinct from the others?
18. There are many sounds that are heard at various times and seasons, such as during the rainy season, in the night, etc., that are made by various creatures. How do we recognize and distinguish various distinct sounds from the whole?
19. There are many countries and places, many languages, and many opinions on the earth. There are innumerable sages with different opinions. How do we select among them?
20. When it rains, many sprouts appear in nature. There are trees and plants both large and small. How do we select and separate them?
21. There are many birds, animals, and aquatic animals with various bodies that have many different strange and unusual colors. How are they distinctly recognized?
22. This visible creation takes form, gets modified in many ways, and is spread out beyond limits. How do we select minute parts of this vast expanse?
23. In the empty space there are many clouds, small and large, that appear to take the shapes of houses and cities. How do we select particular shapes among this vast array of clouds?
24. Throughout the various times of day and night, many types of thoughtfulness and thoughtlessness can be seen. How do we recognize them?
25. Forgetfulness and remembrance, discipline and lack of discipline, and experience and speculation are also like this.
26. Justice and injustice, as well as possibilities and impossibilities are also seen. How can one know and understand the difference between them without the proper utilization of discrimination?
27. The differences between a good worker and a useless person, between one who is courageous and a mischief maker, and between one who is virtuous and one who is not virtuous must be understood correctly.
28. The differences between wealth and bankruptcy, a gentleman and a thief, and what is true and what is false must be understood.
29. Recognize what is superior and what is inferior, and what is of the nature of confusion and what is of the nature of Truth. This can be clearly understood by investigation into Essence and non-essence.