The Four Types of Liberation

1. Brahman is basically without form. In it, the sense of ego (ahankara) or "I Am" arises in the form of an inspiration. From that arises the five elements. The investigation into this is explained later in the chapter on Knowledge.
2. The ego is in the form of wind, and from that movement of wind the energy of light takes its form. On the support of that light, water takes its form and proliferates, covering everywhere.
3. On the support of that expansive covering of water, the expanse of the earth is spread out.
4. On the earth, there are seven seas. In the middle, there is the great mountain Meru, that is surrounded by the eight directions.
5. The great mountain Meru has a vast expanse, and it has the earth as its support.
6. It is tall and beyond measurable limit, and surrounded by the range of mountains called Loka-aloka.
7. Prior to that are the Himalayas where all of the Pandavas fell except for Dharma who went beyond.
8. There is no way to get there as there are huge serpents spread along the way, lying happily in the pleasant coolness, looking like the mountains.
9. Before that place, are located the holy places of Badrika and Badrinarayana where great ascetics go to abandon their bodies.
10. And, before that, is the Badrikedar, which is visited by many pilgrims. Such is the great the expanse of the great mountain Meru.
11. Located on Meru mountain there are three peaks in a line. These are where the Gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Lord Shiva stay with their families.
12. The peak of Brahma is made of stones and rocks, the peak of Vishnu is made of emerald, and the peak of Shiva is named Kailash and is made of crystal.
13. Vaikuntha is the name of the peak of Vishnu, the mountain of Brahma is called Satyaloka. Below that is the place called Amaravati which is the abode of Lord Indra.
14. There around that golden mountain dwell many categories of Gods and celestial singers, and the various aspects of nature.
15. There one finds stables of wish-fulfilling cows, forests of wish-fulfilling trees, and lakes full of nectar that are ebbing and flowing from place to place.
16. There are innumerable wish-fulfilling stones, mines of diamonds, philosopher’s stones, and the land is made of gold and shines brightly.
17. There are precious stones of great value, and nine gems whose radiance is extremely enchanting. There ecstasy and happiness abound continually.
18. There, the meals are delicious nectar, everywhere there are divine fragrances and flowers, and divine music and celestial songs always fill the air.
19. There, youth never ends, diseases don’t exist, and old age and death do not ever come around.
20. There, each being is more beautiful, more clever, more composed, more generous, and more courageous than the other, beyond limit.
21. There, divine bodies are in the form of light which dazzle like lightening. There, success, fame, and bravery extend beyond all limits.
22. Like this is the realm of heaven, the residing place of the gods. It's greatness is beyond description. It is impossible to try.
23. Whichever God one worships here in this world, he goes there to that God's abode. Understand that the sign of the liberation of being in the same abode as God (Swalokata Mukti) is like this.
24. Swalokata Mukti means to live in the same abode as God. Samipata Mukti is being near God. The third form of liberation, having the same appearance as God, is called Swaroopata Mukti.
25. One can take on the appearance (Swaroopata) like that of God while having bodily existence, yet he cannot get the possessions or wife of God. This is the difference between that state of Swaroopata Mukti and God that one should recognize.
26. As long as some merit remains for one, he may enjoy many pleasures like God, yet when the merits are exhausted, then that one is pushed out, while the Gods remain as they themselves are.
27. One should understand that all of the first three types of liberations are perishable, and only the "Liberation of Identification with the Self" (Sayujya Mukti) is permanent. This I will explain now. Please listen with full attention.
28. In the final destruction the entire universe will be destroyed. The earth along with the mountains will be burned away. At that time, even the gods will have their end. How then can any of these first three types of liberation be there?
29. At that time, only the "Attributeless Supreme Reality" (Nirguna Paramatman) remains, unchanged. Attributeless Devotion (Nirguna Bhakti) alone is permanent. Understand that it is only the "Liberation of Identification with the Self" (Sayujya Mukti) that is like this.
30. Being that one attributelessness itself is being "Self-identified." Being Self-identified means to be the same Self-nature that is "Attributeless Devotion."
31. Devotion with form and attributes comes to an end while "Attributeless Devotion" is indestructible. This can only be clearly understood with the help of the "True Master," the Sadguru.