Explanation of Knowledge

1. As long as Self-Knowledge is not clear everything else is useless. Without Self-Knowledge, agitation does not go away.
2. When talking about Knowledge, one feels confused and thinks, "What is the real meaning of Knowledge?" Therefore, I shall explain it now, step by step.
3. Knowing the past, future and present, is called knowledge, but that is not the real "Knowledge" (Jnana).
4. One may do a lot of study and become educated in the science of music, or the moods of notes and melodies, or the various spiritual sciences (Shastras) and the Vedas, but this also is not Knowledge.
5. There is knowledge of many occupations, knowledge of many initiations, and knowledge tested by many examinations, but this is not Jnana.
6. There is knowledge of many women, knowledge of many men, and the judgements about many people, but this is not Knowledge.
7. There is knowledge of the value of horses, the value of elephants, and knowledge about wild animals, but these are not the true Knowledge.
8. There is knowledge of various beasts, of birds, and ghosts, but this is not Jnana.
9. There is knowledge of many vehicles, of clothes, and of many weapons, but this is not Knowledge.
10. There is knowledge of many metals, of many coins, and of many gems, but this is not the true Knowledge.
11. There is knowledge about the value of many stones, of many woods, and of many varieties of musical instruments, but this is not Knowledge.
12. There is knowledge of many kinds of land, of many types of water, and of many types of lights, but this is not Jnana.
13. There is knowledge of many kinds of extracts, many seeds, and of many sprouts, but this is not Knowledge.
14. There is knowledge of flowers, of fruits, and of creepers, but this is not true Knowledge.
15. There is knowledge about many kinds of miseries and many diseases and their many signs and symptoms, but this is not Knowledge.
16. There is knowledge about many sacred words (mantras), many diagrams of contemplation (yantras), and many idols, but this is not true Jnana.
17. There is knowledge of many pilgrimage places, many houses, and many types of vessels, but this is not true Knowledge.
18. There is knowledge about future events, auspicious times, and many types of logic, but this is not Knowledge.
19. There is knowledge of many types of inferences, rules and regulations, and knowledge about many varieties of objects, but this is not true Knowledge.
20. There is knowledge about many streams of learning, many arts, and many types of wisdom, but this is not Jnana.
21. There is knowledge of many words and their many meanings, and of many languages, but this is not Knowledge.
22. There is knowledge of many alphabets, various consonants, and many writings, but this is not the true Knowledge.
23. There is knowledge of many opinions, the identification of many types of information, and knowledge of attitudes of people, but this is not true Knowledge.
24. There is knowledge of many shapes, many flavors, and about many fragrances, but this is not Knowledge.
25. There is knowledge of creativity, of the universe and its expansion, and of many types of objects, but this is not true Knowledge.
26. To speak exact words, give ready answers, and compose a poem in moment’s time, are types of knowledge, but this is not Jnana.
27. There is knowledge of the movement of the eyes, the art of music, hand movements, different types of arts, melodious singing and various forms of expressions, but this is not true Knowledge.
28. There is knowledge about skill in poetry, the art of singing, song composition, the art of dancing, and mastery of words in addressing gatherings, but all of this is not Knowledge.
29. There is knowledge of the art of charming others with words, the art of engrossing others with melodies, and knowledge of jokes and humor, but this is not true Knowledge.
30. There is knowledge of the art of making attractive paintings, the art of playing many musical instruments, and many exceptional arts of various kinds, but this is not Knowledge.
31. There are all of these types of knowledge and more. There is the knowledge of the sixty-four arts, as well as many other types. There are the fourteen streams of learning, and knowledge about extraordinary powers, but this is not Jnana.
32. One may be an expert in all arts, and have complete mastery in all types knowledge, but still all of that is only expertise and cannot be called true Knowledge.
33. All of these appear to be knowledge that one has gained, but the principle Knowledge where the creation of Illusion is absent, is completely different.
34. To understand the minds of others appears to be Jnana, but this is not an indication of Self-Knowledge.
35. A very experienced sage was committing some mistake while doing mental worship, and someone came to know of it and told him that he was making an error.
36. The one who told him this came to know the other's inner state of mind as a result of his worship, and he was called very knowledgeable. However, this was not the Knowledge with which one can attain liberation.
37. There are many types of knowledge. It is impossible for me to tell them all. The Knowledge by which one can attain "Liberation through identification with the Self" (Sayujya Mukti) is a Knowledge that is quite different.
38. The listener asked, "What is this Knowledge you speak of, and what are the attributes of its peace and contentment? Please explain it so it may become clear."
39. Like this, the question was asked about Pure Knowledge. The explanation will be given in the next sub-chapter. The listener should remain alert and pay close attention to what follows.